Archive for postcards

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there are postcards arriving from everywhere, from Bali, from Chokwe in Mozambique with portuguese simbols… and even postcards from the portuguese mountains but first were missent to Macau! (yes mommy they keep arriving sometimes they just take them on a holiday first)

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they’re coming from all over the place. from small villages in portugal, from great cities such as berlin and from so far away as new zealand!


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mother knows best!

and she apparently wants us to know that. we have received today her 3rd, yes third postcard since we’ve been here… two already in 2009. the woman is on fire! she’s definitely running for “i’ll cover your wall” challenge that i’ve just created!



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again, it’s so wonderful to get them and knowing they actually arrive even after 1 month! thanks TEEMA ARCHITECTEN for the card, it’s 2009 already for 21 days but i still like thinking it just began! the side i chose to be the front is a great picture nice to know they really use those ALKOVEN!

coming home

best part of ocming home after a hot day, besides the cold shower, is my HONOR WALL.



just above the tv there is a little, which will become bigger i hope, space where kisses from home and places around the world come to join me.

proof that postcards arrive, safe and sound. yes, Gato, your postcard from Patagonia took 1 month to arrive, but who’s counting!?!